Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a minority-carrier (power electronic) device with high input impedance and large bipolar current-carrying capability. Many designers view IGBT as a device with MOS input characteristics and bipolar output characteristic that is a voltage-controlled bipolar device. To make use of the advantages of both Power MOSFET and BJT, the IGBT has been introduced. It’s a functional integration of Power MOSFET and BJT devices in monolithic form. It combines the best attributes of both to achieve optimal device characteristics.

The main advantages of IGBT over a Power MOSFET and a BJT are:
  1. It has a very low on-state voltage drop due to conductivity modulation and has superior on-state current density. So smaller chip size is possible and the cost can be reduced.
  2. Low driving power and a simple drive circuit due to the input MOS gate structure. It can be easily controlled as compared to current controlled devices (thyristor, BJT) in high voltage and high current applications.
  3. Wide SOA. It has superior current conduction capability compared with the bipolar transistor. It also has excellent forward and reverse blocking capabilities.
  4. An IGBT has considerably less silicon area than a similarly rated MOSFET. Device cost is related to silicon area; therefore, the reduced silicon area makes the IGBT the lower cost solution.
Power Electronics: Insulated Gate Bipolar TransistorDisadvantages:
The main drawbacks are:

  1. Switching speed is inferior to that of a Power MOSFET and superior to that of a BJT. The collector current tailing due to the minority carrier causes the turnoff speed to be slow.

  2. There is a possibility of latchup due to the internal PNPN thyristor structure. The IGBT is suitable for scaling up the blocking voltage capability. In case of Power MOSFET, the on-resistance increases sharply with the breakdown voltage due to an increase in the resistively and thickness of the drift region required to support the high operating voltage. For this reason, the development of high current Power MOSFET with high-blocking voltage rating is normally avoided. In contrast, for the IGBT, the drift region resistance is drastically reduced by the high concentration of injected minority carriers during on-state current conduction. The forward drop from the drift region becomes dependent upon its thickness and independent of its original resistivity.

The IGBT is suitable for many applications in power electronics, especially in Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) servo and three-phase drives requiring high dynamic range control and low noise. It also can be used in Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), Switched-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS), and other power circuits requiring high switch repetition rates. It is equally suitable in resonant-mode converter circuits. The IGBT is suitable for scaling up the blocking voltage capability. In case of Power MOSFET, the on-resistance increases sharply with the breakdown voltage due to an increase in the resistively and thickness of the drift region required to support the high operating voltage. For this reason, the development of high current Power MOSFET with high-blocking voltage rating is normally avoided. In contrast, for the IGBT, the drift region resistance is drastically reduced by the high concentration of injected minority carriers during on-state current conduction. The forward drop from the drift region becomes dependent upon its thickness and independent of its original resistivity.

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