Power, Electronic Systems, Applications and Resources on Electrical and Electronic Project-Thesis
Microsoft Word LaTeX Shortcuts for Easy Equation Writings
ohm⇒ \Omega [Ex: ==> {\Omega}_R] rho⇒ \rho [ ] ⇒ \mu Integral ⇒ \int_lower^higher [Ex: ⇒ \int_{\Omega_R}d^2r1] ...
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A Mathematical Theory of Communication
The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity
Electronic refrigeration using superconducting tunnel junctions
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Variable Speed Generators-Ion Boldea
Wound Rotor Induction Generators (WRIGs): Steady State Wound rotor induction generators (WRIGs) are provided with three phase winding...
Free Energy with the Use of Tesla Generator
With the value of electricity escalating, many people are trying to find more affordable choices for sources of energy. The most popular al...
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Dry Type and Liquid-Filled Transformers: A Quick Comparison
Transformers under load generate heat due to winding (copper) and core losses occurring during operation. There is an 'acceptable' ...
Extensive Use Of Photoelectric Sensor Due To Compact And Rugged Circuitry
Sensors are of many sorts that may rely on the materials used and their applications. One of the most efficient and widely used sensors in ...
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PILC Power Cables and Advancements
Paper Insulated, Lead Covered (PILC) cables were very common in the 1920s, 30s and 40s for the transmission of medium-voltage power. It is ...
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Concept of Productivity & Productivity Management
Definition of Productivity The definition of Productivity appeared in different decades based on the social and economic changes s...
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