Protection of power electronic Devices

  1. When the devices carry high currents they generate a lot of heat internally, which can destroy the device. A heat sink is a way of removing this heat. It is a metal plate with fins which act as radiators of the heat.
  2. The device is bolted to the sink usually with some heat conducting paste smeared between them.
  3. Cooling system available: air (natural convection), fan, liquid (water)

     Protection of power electronic Devices
    Protection of power electronic Devices

    Protection of power electronic Devices
    Two flat-pack thyristors mounted on a liquid-cooled heat sink
    Two flat-pack thyristors mounted on a liquid-cooled heat sink

    Power diode mounted on an air-cooled heat sink.

    Power diode mounted on an air-cooled heat sink.

    previous Power losses in power electronic devices
    next Series and Parallel Connected Devices


    1. Great presentation about on electronic Devices.Thanks for shearing about this I thinks its very hopeful post and very important post for us.thanks for your great and helpful presentation I like your good service.I always appreciate your post.Excellent information on your blog, thank you for taking the time to share with us.
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    2. It is a really great information to protect electronics devices, There are many electronic devices available in the market you can check some of them here And you can protect them as given in above information.


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