Performance Parameters of Rectifiers (Input AC side)

Consider the waveforms in Figure. vs is the sinusoidal input voltage, is the instantaneous input current, is1 is the fundamental component of is
The displacement angle Φ is the angle between fundamental components of input current and voltage. The displacement factor (DF) or Displacement Power Factor (DPF) is defined as
DF = \cos \phi
The harmonic factor (HF) also known as total harmonic distortion (THD) is a measure of the distortion of a waveform. The harmonic factor of the input current is given as
HF = {\left( {\frac{{I_S^2 - I_{S1}^2}}{{I_{S1}^2}}} \right)^{\frac{1}{2}}}
Where both currents are recorded as rms values
Performance Parameters (Input AC side)

The crest factor (CF) is a comparison of the peak input current to its rms value. It is given as

CF = \frac{{{I_{S(peak)}}}}{{{I_S}}}
For a pure sinusoidal input current and voltage, power factor is defined as the cosine of the load angle Φ

PF = \frac{{{\rm{Real Power}}}}{{{\rm{Apparent Power}}}} = \frac{{{P_R}}}{{{P_{RMS}}}} = \frac{{{V_S}{I_S}\cos \phi }}{{{V_S}{I_S}}} = \cos \phi
where the voltages and currents are stated in rms values and VA is

VA = \sqrt {P_R^2 + P_Q^2}
For a rectifier circuit, the input power factor is given by

PF = \frac{{{\rm{RealPower}}}}{{{\rm{ApparentPower}}}} = \frac{{{V_{Fund}}{I_{Fund}}\cos {\phi _1}}}{{{V_{RMS}}{I_{RMS}}}} = \frac{{{V_{Fund}}}}{{{V_{RMS}}}}\frac{{{I_{Fund}}}}{{{I_{RMS}}}}\cos {\phi _1}
Power factor in rectifier circuits is related to harmonic voltages and currents given in the diagrams
Power factor in rectifier circuits is related to harmonic voltages and currentsWhere,
{I_{Har}} = \sqrt {\sum\nolimits_{n = 2}^\infty  {I_n^2} }
{V_{Har}} = \sqrt {\sum\nolimits_{n = 2}^\infty  {V_n^2} }
{V_{RMS}} = \sqrt {V_{Fund}^2 + V_{Har}^2}
{I_{RMS}} = \sqrt {I_{Fund}^2 + I_{Har}^2}
PF = \sqrt {1 - {{\left( {\frac{{{V_{Har}}}}{{{V_{RMS}}}}} \right)}^2}} \sqrt {1 - {{\left( {\frac{{{I_{Har}}}}{{{I_{RMS}}}}} \right)}^2}} \cos {\phi _1}
Hence,{\rm{ }}PF = \cos {\phi _2}\cos {\phi _3}\cos {\phi _1}
An ideal rectifier should have η = 100%, Vac = 0, RF = 0, TUF = 1, HF = THD = 0, and PF = PDF = 1.
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