Performance Parameters of Rectifiers (Output dc side)

The output of rectifier has both dc and ac components. The performance of rectifiers are evaluated using the followingparameters:

The average value of output (load) voltage given as Vdc
The average value of output (load) current given by Idc
The output dc power given by Pdc = VdcIdc
The rms value of output voltage given as Vrms
The rms value of output current given as Irms
The output ac power given by Pac = VrmsIrms
The efficiency or rectification ratio of a rectifier given by
\eta  = \frac{{{P_{dc}}}}{{{P_{ac}}}}
The output voltage consists of two components an ac component and a dc component. The effective or (rms) value of the ac component of output voltage is given by
{V_{ac}} = \sqrt {V_{rms}^2 - V_{dc}^2}
The form factor which is a measure of the shape of the output voltage is given by
FF = \frac{{{V_{rms}}}}{{{V_{dc}}}} 
The ripple factor which is a measure of the ripple content is given by
RF = \frac{{{V_{ac}}}}{{{V_{dc}}}}
By substituting the equation for the effective value of the qac component of the output voltage into the ripple factor equation, we can express the ripple factor as
RF = \frac{{{V_{ac}}}}{{{V_{dc}}}} = \sqrt {{{\left( {\frac{{{V_{rms}}}}{{{V_{dc}}}}} \right)}^2} - 1}  = \sqrt {F{F^2} - 1}
The transformer utilization factor is defined as
TUF = \frac{{{P_{dc}}}}{{{V_S}{I_S}}}
where Vs and Is are the rms voltage and current of the transformer secondary
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