Boost Regulators

Two modes:

1. Mode 1: switch closed

2. Mode 2: switch open

Power electronic converter: boost regulators

  1. Steady-state conditions exist
  2. Switching period is T; switch is closed for kT, open for (1-k)T
  3. Inductor current never goes to 0
  4. Capacitor is very large, since Cdv/dt=iL, and iL bounded, dv/dt must be small =>> v0 is constant.
Power electronic converter: boost regulators
The switch is implemented by a PWM-transistor & IGBT/MOSFET circuit. So we get a periodic switching.
The switch is implemented by a PWM-transistor & IGBT/MOSFET
Mode 1: switch closed

Power electronic converter: boost regulators-mode 1
Mode 2: switch open

Power electronic converter: boost regulators-mode 2

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